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Editorial Guidelines

The Journal adheres to the following editorial guidelines for its operation at all stages of the editorial process:

Open Access Policy

This journal provides unrestricted open access to all its content through the OJS platform, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps to increase global scientific knowledge.

The journal requires authors to grant an exclusive publication license so that their articles can be edited, published, and reproduced, in printed and/or electronic format, under the terms and conditions of the license

Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional


Digital Preservation

The journal uses the system of storage directories owned in the Open Journal Systems UNAD Florida, as well as the activation of the LOCKSS preservation system to guarantee the conservation and preservation of the articles and allow the creation of a set of copies for the support of the permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.



All authors must sign a document called: Declaration of Authorship and License to Publish Articles before the manuscript can be processed in Journal of Education and Technology Trends.

The agreement makes explicit that they grant free license and attribution of the use of the article to the journal and that the article does not contain material whose publication violates any copyright or other proprietary right of any person or institution.

Authors are morally and legally responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the guarantee of copyright. The content of the article does not reflect the official policy or position of UNAD Florida.

The reproduction of the articles will be governed by what is described in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Attribution License


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered into this journal will be used exclusively for editorial purposes and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.


Use of anti-plagiarism software

Each article submitted to the Journal of Education and Technology Trends will be submitted to originality review software to prevent plagiarism. Additionally, during the review process, the expert peers to whom each article is sent must report any suspicion of it.


Rules on the withdrawal of articles submitted to the journal for publication

The Journal of Education and Technology Trends considers the withdrawal of articles submitted for publication, by the author, only in the following cases:

  1. Unjustified delay by the journal in offering a response on the refereeing of the article;
  2. Problems with the manuscript noted by the author after submission of the paper. For example, if the data included in the article was incorrectly declared or analyzed, the author may request to withdraw the work to collect or reanalyze the data;
  3. Accidental duplicate shipment of the item;
  4. Conduct contrary to ethical standards, warned by the author after submitting the work for publication in the journal.

In these cases, the author(s) must write an explanatory and detailed letter of the case to the editor of the journal in which they will explain the reasons for the withdrawal request. The author(s) may not submit the work for publication in another journal until the editor responds and writes to the author informing him or her that, indeed, the article has been withdrawn and will not be published in the journal.


Code of ethics and good practices

The publication of an article previously evaluated by the selected peers of the Journal develops a scientific network committed to knowledge within the area of Social Sciences, a subarea of educational sciences. From this, the rigorous and quality work is evidenced, not only by the authors but also by the institutions they represent. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a declaration of ethics and good practices, which provides all the essential elements in the work of the different agents involved in the process of writing, receiving, editing and evaluating manuscripts: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewers, the editor and the academic community in general.

UNAD Florida, as editor of the Journal of Education and Technology Trends, aware of its responsibilities at all stages of a quality publication, declares recognition of its ethical commitments and those of its peers.

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